“BEACH LOVER” cardigan

SKU: 24518

“BEACH LOVER” cardigan made of light cotton and linen.


“BEACH LOVER” cardigan made of light cotton and linen. The soft texture of the material slightly covers the silhouette while it has long sleeves and long leaves at the front that form airy folds. The soft shade of sand beige is combined with wide black stripes giving it a classic resort-luxury element.

Lorem Ipsum is just a meaningless text for typography and typewriters. Lorem Ipsum has been the professional model for meaningless text since the 15th century, when an anonymous printer took an essay and mixed up the words to create a sample book. Not only did it survive five centuries, but it dominated electronic typewriting, remaining unchanged in every way. It became popular in the 1960s with the release of Letraset samples that included excerpts from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently with online paging software such as Aldus PageMaker containing Lorem Ipsum versions.